Tuesday, May 31, 2011

.....what. kittens, where?

I am incredibly jealous of his company right now.
Sten from Dragon Age.. because this drawing seemed appropriate. One thing first dragon age was lacking in. Cats.

Only has taken me so long to finish because I got distracted by Heavy Rain (amaaaaazing). Work is no excuse(but games are).

Also. very glad for nice warm weather today. Summer heat come at me. I am ready for youuuu.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

what a babe.

This is how I feel on this beautiful weekend.
Complete with nose-drip protection.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

oh myyy

Really into.. alien dreamboats lately. Mostly Because I started playing mass effect 2 again.

Here is alien babe started long while ago. the lovely Tali vas Normandy. her awkward lovestruck-ness with Commander Shepard kills me.

oooh. also got table at Fan Expo in Toronto this year with the lovely miss paula. Never been to such a thing and really looking forward to it. Though don't know at all what to expect.

Friday, May 6, 2011

guardian of the toilet.

This is Sir Prancelot.

He guards our bathroom and protects us from evil. For anything he can't ward off there is Air Refresher.

This job was proving too tough for Our Onion Girl (it brought tears to her eyes), so I was very grateful when the lovely Paula gave us this new guardian deity.